About Us

Grow Local, Buy Local, Eat Local

LWM is a Program of Saahas – An Initiative for women by women (A Section 8 company to empower
women foodpreneurship apart from healthy living).

It is an alternative health education and B2C platform for organic, healthy foods. Over the last _ years, LWM has organically built 25 communities across the globe and has a presence of 35,000 members on Facebook.  Living without Medicine runs two flagship programs – Taking Charge of your Health and Ayurveda for Healthy Living. LWM has run several online webinars and events across _ cities and recently launched Masterclasses for lifestyle disorder management with the aim to give best in class
knowledge on alternative therapies and diets. 

LWM promotes indigenous local foods centered on Ayurveda as well as Functional Nutrition therapies. 

LWM is also in association with Program Bhumijaa and has worked on creating a large network of organic sellers. One initiative has been to create Natural Farmers & Sellers Market model in cities as demonstrated in Gurgaon.


Five years ago, in 2016, a movement for growing organic/natural foods started to pick up some momentum;  a similar movement to replace medicine with natural remedies had also gathered some steam. However, there wasn’t enough happening to bridge the gap between he growers of chemical-free foods and conscious eaters.

Hence it was important to create awareness and access to such natural, biodiverse and traditional foods. Living Without Medicine became pivotal to reverse the trend of seductive modern/western food fads and lifestyles while promoting the now popular adage “Grow, Local, Buy Local, Eat Local”.